Rahvusvahelised näitused turvatrüki valdkonnas

  • SDW conference and exhibition London 9-11 juuni, 2020
  • SDW Asia conference and exhibition Singapore 1-2 september, 2020
  • Trustech security and identification exhibition Cannes 1-3 detsember, 2020
  • SHIELDAFRICA 2019 Abidjan 22-24 jaanuar 2019 
  • High Security Printing Europe Malta 25-27 märts 2019 
  • SDW conference and exhibition London 11-13 juuni 2019
  • 5th Annual Meeting of the ID4Africa Movement (ID4Africa 2019) Johannesburg 18-20 juuni 2019 
  • Security Printers 2019 Copenhagen 23-25 oktoober 2019